TCT Awards Terms & Conditions

The TCT Awards are delivered by The TCT Group a division of Rapid News Group.

1. PAYMENT All bookings made prior to the event must be paid in full to guarantee your booking, an email confirmation and receipted invoice will be sent. Bookings received less than two weeks before the event date can only be paid by credit/debit card. VAT is chargeable if the event is in the UK regardless of where the purchaser is based.

2. ADVANCED PURCHASE In order to qualify for any ‘advanced purchase’ rates, booking and payment must be received before the deadline date listed on the website. 

3. CANCELLATIONS/SUBSTITUTIONS Please note that we have a no cancellation policy on our events and conferences and once a booking is made it is considered a firm booking. Delegates may nominate an alternative person from their organisation to attend up to 24 hours prior to the start of the event, at no extra charge, all substitutions must be received in writing. Please send attendance alterations to:

4. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Delegates should advise of any special access requirements at the time of booking.

5. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Where applicable, any registration information will be sent to registered guests by email at least seven days prior to the event. Any guest not receiving the registration information but expecting to, should contact the Event Organiser at

6. ALTERATIONS TO PROGRAMME – Cancellation/Postponement of Event

6.1 The TCT Awards reserves the right to make alterations to the event, programme, venue and timings.

6.2 In the unlikely event of the event being cancelled by The TCT Group, a full refund will be made. Liability will be limited to the amount of the fee paid by the delegate.

6.3 In the event of it being found necessary, for whatever reason, that the event is postponed or the dates changed, The TCT Group will not be liable for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by the delegate.

6.4 If by re-arrangement or postponement the event can take place, the booking between the delegate and The TCT Awards shall remain in force and will be subject to the cancellation schedule in paragraph 3.

7. SPEAKERS/HOST Views expressed by speakers/hosts are their own. The TCT Group cannot accept liability for advice given, or views expressed, by any speaker/host at The TCT Awards or in any material provided to delegate. Due to the nature of the hosts work, a replacement host different to the one advertised may be used. 

8. PHOTOGRAPHY & FILMING Please note for promotional purposes, there will be professional photography and video production taking place during the event. Delegates who do not wish to be filmed or recorded should advise The TCT Awards organiser by email prior to the event. Please contact

9. PRIVACY We are committed to protecting your privacy and we treat your privacy very seriously. We process information about you in line with our Privacy Policy. By using this Website, you agree to the way in which we process and deal with your personal information.


These are the terms and conditions upon which each Entry to The TCT Awards shall be subject. If Rapid News Publications Ltd,  the TCT Group or the TCT Awards (“We”, “Us”, “Our”, or “the Awards”) accept an Entry (“You”, “Your” or “Entrant”), You will be bound by these terms and conditions and Your Entry shall be considered and judged in accordance with these terms. We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time and such changes shall be deemed notified to You by their publication online.


The following terms shall have the following meaning in these terms and conditions: 

'Category’ means each particular category of award as listed and detailed on the Website here

‘Entry’ means your entry into the Awards submitted to The TCT Awards via the official website

‘Website’ or ‘the Site’ means The TCT Awards website accessible at

‘Voters’ or ‘Public’ means the public. This covers, show attendees, exhibitors, industry organisations and individuals within the 3D printing and additive manufacturing community and beyond. Voters will cast votes for the TCT Women in 3D printing Innovator Award.

‘Closing Date’ means 23.55hrs (GMT) on 22nd January 2025 for Entries into the awards. The project must have been publicly released during the judging eligibility period which runs from 1 January 2024 to 31 January 2025.

‘TCT Advisory Board’, ‘TCT Judging Panel’ or ‘Judges’ means a number of individuals who have been pre-selected as noted members of the industry and are members of the TCT Advisory Board to Judge the Awards. 

‘TCT Hall of Fame’ is a trademark of the TCT Awards and refers to a specific award category that is conducted via The TCT Awards.

General Terms and Conditions of Entry into the Awards    

1.     The TCT Awards are open to organisations and individuals that have seen demonstrable benefit from using Additive Manufacturing and 3D technologies within their projects.
2.     The closing date for entries to the TCT Awards 2025 is 23.55hrs (GMT) on 22nd January 2025. Entrants may enter several Categories. All entries must be received by the Closing Date. 
3.     All entries must be made through the online entry form. Entries through other routes will not be accepted without express prior permission from Us. Please ensure you complete your entries by the date advertised, on submission you will receive acknowledgement of receipt. If you do not obtain such a receipt within three days, it is your responsibility to contact us to confirm its arrival. Unless you have this written or verbal confirmation from us, we cannot guarantee the arrival of your entry. Entry enquiries can be directed to Amanda Hull, Awards Projects Manager on 00 44 (0)1244 952 522 or at

4.     We reserve the right to extend the closing deadline, amend categories, reallocate submissions to alternative categories or not award categories if our judges feel the entries received do not reach the required standard. If reallocation is offered the Entrants shall be given the option to progress under the new category or will be entitled to retract their submission.


5.     If an Entrant submits an entry into an incorrect category the Entrant must inform Us in writing (email is permitted) immediately and re-enter in the correct Category/Categories.
6.     The TCT Awards reserve the right to re-categorise entries if they think another category would be more suitable. However, they will not routinely re-categorise incorrectly entered projects.

7.     Any information submitted may be subject to verification.
8.     The following methodology will be used during voting for the TCT Hall of Fame Awards process. The TCT Awards reserves the right to change or amend this methodology at any time. All Entrants will be notified by email within 24 hours of such changes. 
a.     Stage 1 – The TCT Expert Advisory Board members will each put forward five names for nominees they feel merit consideration for Hall of Fame inclusion, creating the ‘Longlist’.
b.     Stage 2 – The TCT EAB submit their top 5 nominations from this longlist and the 5 nominees with the highest combined votes will become the ‘shortlist'.
c.     Stage 3 – The EAB members will vote for the nominee they think most deserves to be inducted. The nominee with the highest number of votes will be inducted into the TCT Hall of Fame at the awards on Wednesday 5th June 2024.

9.     The following methodology will be used during voting for the TCT Women in 3D Printing Innovator Award process. The TCT Awards reserves the right to change or amend this methodology at any time. All Entrants will be notified by email within 24 hours of such changes.
a. Stage 1 – The TCT and Women in 3D Printing communities will nominate female members of the 3d printing and additive manufacturing industry who they feel merit consideration to win the TCT WI3DP Innovator Award, creating the ‘Longlist’.
b. Stage 2 – TCT and Wi3DP ambassadors will vote on the longlist, and the nominees with the highest combined scores will then become the ‘Shortlist’.
c. Stage 3 – The shortlist will be published on the official TCT Awards website and voting will be opened to the public. The nominee with the highest number of votes will win the WI3DP Innovator Award on Wednesday 4th June 2025.

10.   The TCT Awards shall by way of a judging panel consider each Entry on its merits based solely on the information referred to in the relevant Entry. All Entries shall be considered in accordance with these terms and conditions and, in the course of judging an Entry, any judge may request further information about the Entry from the person named as the contact for the Entry submitted. Failure to supply the information requested will result in the disqualification of the Entry from the Awards.

11.   Our decisions relating to short-listing and granting of awards in the course of judging the Awards are final and We will not enter into any correspondence or discussion with any Entrants on any subject nor will We accept any submissions or representations or appeals with regard to such decisions.

12.   External contact with any member of the awards judging panel relating to the judging process, or its outcome, or any attempt to influence any member of the judging panel will result in immediate disqualification from the awards. 

13.   Winners are permitted to refer to the fact that they are winners and use the appropriate TCT Awards logo in their own publicity materials for a period of 3 years from the date on which they receive the award.

14.   We reserve the right to shorten entry titles for the purpose of the awards brochure and winner’s trophies. Please try and keep your entry title concise and to the point.

15.   All Entrants agree to their entries being used for promotional purposes by The TCT Awards throughout all media channels. We reserve the right to refer to information supplied within the Awards Supplement or any other Awards related communications. Entrants may however mark sensitive parts of their entries ‘not for publication’ provided such restrictions are not used unreasonably. 

16.   When the entrant is submitting work/materials which are not their own/they do not own the rights to, it is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that they have permission from the owner/3rd party to submit the entry and the owner/3rd party’s approval of the entry and any respective credits.

17.   The TCT Awards accepts no responsibility for any incorrectly submitted information.

18.   These terms and conditions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of England and Wales, and both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

19.   Please do contact us if you have any questions regarding your submission. All enquiries (including withdrawal of entries) to be directed to Amanda Hull, Awards Project Manager on 00 44 (0)1244 952 522 or at

20.  Applicants will be shortlisted in each category and the shortlist will be published by March 2025.

21.   Winners will be announced at The TCT Awards Ceremony on 4th June 2025 to be held at the National Conference Centre (NCC), Birmingham, UK.

22.   All information herein is correct as of 11/09/2024. Rapid News Publications Ltd reserves the right to change dates, categories and procedures at any time by updating these terms and conditions.